This section of the Islamic Experience Exhibition offers pupils an opportunity to learn about Islam in a fun way. Whilst all sections are presented in a colourful and entertaining way, the Activities Room is especially geared towards combing education with enjoyment.
Mosques of the World
The section usually opens with the "Mosques of the World" slide show. During this, the pupils will be shown pictures of many different mosques from around the world.
The Activities Room tutor will flick from slide to slide, asking the pupils to guess which country each mosque is from. Because mosques vary in size and style from place to place, the presentation offers a tremendous insight into the beauties of Islamic architecture.
Arabic: Language of the Holy Qur'an
In addition, pupils will be invited to write their own names on a piece of paper. Once they have done this, the tutor will go from desk to desk, spelling each pupil's name using letters from the Arabic language. They will then be invited to copy this name in Arabic.
For those who are unfamiliar with Islam; Arabic is the language of the Holy Qur'an and is given a lofty position in the lives of Muslims. This activity helps to emphasis this point. In addition, it is always fascinating for exhibition visitors to see their own names written in another language!
Colouring in
For the younger groups there are also pictures of mosques and Islamic calligraphy that can be coloured in using the coloured felt tips provided.